SDK Reference


Returns an array of notifications for the currently authenticated user (DID).

The user must have an active session for this query to work.

How to use?

const { data, error } = await orbis.getNotifications(options);


  • options - object with the parameters used to retrieve notifications
    • type - string type of notifications to retrieve
      • social - mentions, likes, replies, etc
      • messages - unread messages
    • context - string The context for which you want to view notifications
    • include_child_contexts - boolean Set to true if you also want to retrieve notifications from sub-contexts


        content: {},
        family: "string",
        status: "new" || "viewed",
        type: "social" || "messages",
        user_notifiying_details: {},
        post_details?: {}


Query notifications from the Global Feed

/** To query the feed notifications for the connected user */
const { data, error } = await orbis.getNotifications({ type: 'social' });

Query notifications scoped to a Context

/** To query the notifications for the connected user in a specific context */
const { data, error } = await orbis.getNotifications({
  type: 'social',
  context: 'kjzl6cw---xejbmcp'