Primitives - Building Blocks



Conversations on Orbis enable a private and encrypted chat between participants.
Some conversation metadata and all of the messages are automatically encrypted with Lit Protocol.

Use case

Conversations can facilitate private discussions between your users.
All messages are automatically encrypted and can only be accessed by the participants.

This means neither Orbis nor Orbis-powered app developers can read content unless they are a participant.

Some examples include:

  • private messaging on Marketplaces
  • message inboxes on social apps
  • end-to-end encrypted messaging apps
  • chatbots, including an encrypted version of ChatGPT



The stream ID of Conversation schema is kjzl6cwe1jw149ibyxllm19uiqvaj4gj2f84lq3y3xzs0nqpo2ufw63ut3xwn7i.

You can check the latest version using Cerscan (opens in a new tab).


    "recipients": [ "string" ], // required
	"name": "string",
    "context": "string",
    "description": "string"

Parameter explanation:

  • recipients - an array of DIDs who are a part of this conversation
    • encryption rules will be automatically generated based on this list
  • name - the name of this conversation, will be encrypted
  • context - (stream) ID of the context this conversation is a part of
  • description - conversation's description, will not be encrypted

SDK methods

Related concepts