What Can I Do With Orbis?

What can I do with Orbis?


By using Orbis, our SDK and Components, developers can build their decentralized social apps or add a social layer to their existing applications without having to think about backend architecture or worrying about complex user onboarding.

Use cases

Just some examples of what you can build using Orbis.

  • Token-gated DAO governance, a decentralized version of Discourse
  • Sybil resistance and enriched profiles through Orbis Profiles & Credentials
  • Personalized community chats without leaving your website
  • Encrypted and credential-gated long-form content, blogs with comments, and social feed
  • Automatically encrypted private conversations
  • Decentralized versions of Twitter, Discord, Telegram, LinkedIn etc.
  • Trustlessly gated NFT project or Guild headquarters


Spin up your social app in a matter of minutes using our open-source templates.

Built with Orbis

These are just some of the apps building on Orbis. Learn how they're utilizing our stack and experience Orbis first-hand.

Orbis Club

Orbis Club was designed and built to showcase what a decentralized social platform built on top of Orbis Protocol could look like.

It takes advantage of almost all functionality Orbis has to offer, including Profiles, Access Gating, Direct Messages and more.

Jump into the discussion over at (opens in a new tab)

SGB Chat

SGB Chat is the first Web3 social network built on Songbird.

It utilizes Orbis to power the social features, including Profiles, Discussions and Access Gating.

Thanks to our chain-agnostic approach, they were able to onboard Songbird users and built on top of our stack without creating onboarding friction.

SGB Chat is in beta and can be found at (opens in a new tab)

Mindblowon Universe

Mindblowon Universe believes that fostering collaboration and co-creation in their community brings value to their IP as a whole.

They were able to utilize Orbis and provide a single place for their community to interact, share ideas and propose new initiatives.

They've taken advantage of Orbis Profiles, Access Gating, Direct Messaging and more.

You can explore their Universe by visiting (opens in a new tab)


DAVI is an out-of-the-box governance tool aiming to allow Web3 participants to bring autonomous decentralized governance to their communities with the ease and convenience of simply choosing to do so.

DAVI utilizes Orbis Profiles, Access Gating, Components to create a discussion forum.

Thanks to Orbis, DAVI's discussions and proposals are decentralized and can be publicly verified.

You can experience the future of DAO by clicking here (opens in a new tab).

Ocean Marketplace

Ocean Marketplace is a platform for trading and selling datasets on the Ocean Protocol.

Thanks to Orbis publishers and buyers can now communicate directly using encrypted private messaging without leaving the platform.

This was achieved using Orbis Conversations and Components.